
Preventive Cardiology

Cardiology & Vascular, Interventional Radiology & Vein Center located in Columbus, GA
Preventive Cardiology

Preventive Cardiology services offered in Columbus, GA

Nearly 50% of people in the United States have at least one heart disease risk factor. At Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic in Columbus, Georgia, Nchang Taka, MD, and the team takes a proactive approach to heart health with preventive cardiology. They perform thorough evaluations and create individualized plans that benefit both the heart and overall health. To learn more about preventive cardiology at Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic, call or book an appointment online today.

Preventive Cardiology Q&A

What is preventive cardiology?

Preventive cardiology is an area of medicine that specializes in preventing and managing heart disease to reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It aims to help you manage your heart disease risk factors, so they don’t get worse. 


Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic is a cutting-edge cardiology practice that focuses on providing preventive, medical, and interventional care to individuals at risk of or with heart or circulatory diseases. 

Am I a candidate for preventive cardiology?

If you have heart disease, vascular disease, or heart disease risk factors, then you’re a candidate for preventive cardiology. Some of the conditions that benefit from preventive care from the team at Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic include:


  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD)


The team may also consider you a candidate for preventive cardiology if you have a family history of heart disease, struggle with your weight, or are a former smoker (or a smoker willing to quit). 

What happens during a preventive cardiology evaluation?

The specifics of your preventive cardiology evaluation at Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic depend on your health history. The team takes a detailed medical and family history, looking for risk factors. They also ask about your health habits, including your usual diet, exercise routine, smoking, and alcohol use.


The team performs a physical exam and runs bloodwork to screen for cardiovascular health conditions. They may also request other tests such as an electrocardiogram (EKG), stress test, or vascular ultrasound to evaluate heart and blood vessel structure and function.


Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic also has a cath lab and may perform a coronary angiography, which is an imaging test that looks at the inside of your coronary arteries. 

What is a preventive cardiology treatment plan?

The team at Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic individualizes preventive cardiology treatment based on your risk factors. Your plan may include:


  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Getting regular exercising
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Managing stress
  • Prescribing disease-specific medication


The interventional cardiologists at Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic may also perform procedures to address heart or vascular conditions, such as angioplasty and stenting, to improve circulation. 


Preventive cardiology at Heart Vascular And Vein Care Clinic gives you the tools and guidance necessary to improve heart health and overall wellness. Call or schedule your preventive cardiology consultation online today.